المنتدى الاسلامي

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

يهدف الى تطوير العالم الاسلامي



    المساهمات : 138
    تاريخ التسجيل : 16/01/2010


    مُساهمة  Admin السبت يناير 16, 2010 8:45 pm

    My name is aya and I am 20 years old. I lost my mother almost a month ago to breast cancer which spread to her liver, bone and brain. It was a sudden diagnosis, she died about one month after going into the hospital. I have a younger sister who is 15. I am your normal college student and my sister is a normal high schooler. I am in collegiate athletics and a scholar athlete, my sister is being recruited right now for softball. My parents are divorced and we mostly lived with my mom who was only 5 minutes from my dad. The reason I tell you this is because we used to be your average family. My sister and I were just figuring out who we were and as cliche as it sounds, we never thought this would happen to us. My sister and I have been talking a lot recently about how this devistating loss has put a lot in perspective for us.

    I feel the only reason I can post on this site (this is kind of out of the ordinary for me) today is because there are some things my mom told me before she passed that I think would be helpful to everyone. I have not been without my mother for as long as everyone else has but I can relate to everyone's hurt and sorrow. I never thought I would have to write a eulogy for my mother until I was old and gray. Unfortunately, that time came too soon. My sister and I are very young and I know we have a lot more life to live and it has to be without my mother. My mother was a nurse was cancer children and has survived cancer as a child, she was the strongest woman I knew. She was so worried about us before she passed and wanted to make sure we would be able to function without her to talk to everyday and without her support and many 'I love you's' She told me so many things that I think about every moment that make me feel close to her.

    My mother was not religious however she was very spiritual and inspirational. She told me while she was at the hospice that her favorite quote is "In life there are no bad experiences, only lessons learned" I feel like as hard as this situation is for me and I know for everyone else, we need to just make a lesson learned out of it. Everyone can take what they want from that, but I have learned to love and cherish everyone I have in my life still and to never take advantage of anything I'm lucky and blessed to have. For example, this experience has made my sister and I grow so much more close to my dad, and it's only been a month. My mother also told me that she believes "Living in a human form is just a chance for you to learn lessons and then your final destination really is heaven, where we are now is only a pit stop" That makes me feel more at ease when I think about it because she gets to experience things now she never has before in heaven and this is the one time she really gets to be with my sister and I every moment of our lives, on earth she was limited to that. She gave my sister and I a song that we could play and think of her and feel close to her, it was "Let it Be" by the Beatles. The lyrics are perfect, I hope everyone will give the song and chance and take a listen, it is an amazing song.

    I am truly sorry for everyone who has lost a parent, especially a mother. I am by no means 'okay' at this point in my grieving but I know I will make it and positivity is the only way. Your mind is a powerful thing and in order to honor your mother's memory and carry out her legacy is to live and act in all of the great ways she taught you to.

    It is okay to be sad but we all must keep living. Our mother's gave us life so we could live it. And I know all of your parents are looking down on you now wanting you to just be happy no matter what you do. So please, stay happy and keep living

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد مايو 12, 2024 1:49 pm